Do you need ‘environmental offsets’ to undertake a project?
The need for ‘environmental offsets’ can be triggered under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act 1999). See EPBC Act Home Page.
The need for ‘environmental offsets’ can also be triggered by factors identified under various statutory environmental investigative procedures, such as Environmental Impact Studies (EIS), Review of Environmental Factors (REF) and Statement of Environmental Effects (SEE).
These factors may include potential impacts on endangered or threatened communities or species, or physical impacts that have the potential to have a deleterious effect on waterways, and other geophysical features that contribute to the nature of the ecosystem in question.
We can help you identify any environmental impact that may trigger the need for an environmental investigation, and whether an ‘environmental offset’ may be required to gain approval. More importantly, we can help you select and secure appropriate, and commensurable ‘environmental offsets’ in a cost effective way.